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8- (2- Aminoethylamino)adenosine- 3', 5'- cyclic monophosphorothioate, Sp- isomer ( Sp-8-AEA-cAMPS )
PDE-resistant Sp-cAMPS functionalized for immobilization or conjugation with markers and dyes
Cat. No.: A 094
CAS No.: [221904-84-3]
Shipping: ambient
Product Name Price (net) Qty
Cat. No.: A 094-05
Unit: 5 µmol / ~2 mg
Phosphodiesterase-resistant ligand for affinity chromatography of cAMP and cGMP binding proteins and suitable for modification with fluorophores and other markers. Detailed technical information available. This ligand is also available with a longer spacer (Sp-8-AHA-cAMPS; Cat. No. A 071). Reference: Bertinetti et al., BMC Chem. Biol., 9: 3 (2009)
Cat. No. A 094
CAS number [221904-84-3]
Purity > 98% HPLC
Salt form Free acid
Appearance Solid
Storage temperature -20°C / -4°F
Molecular formula C₁₂H₁₈N₇O₅PS
Molecular weight [g/mol] 403.4
cAMP modified at the exocyclic oxygen axial (Sp-)
Modifications 8-cAMP
Target PKA (cAK) Activator
Lipophilicity 0.88
Absorption max [nm] 273
Molar extinction coefficient ε [L·mol⁻¹·cm⁻¹] 17000
UV pH value 7
Solvent for UV data Water
  • 1. Chepurny O. G., Bertinetti D., Diskar M., Leech C. A., Afshari P., Tsalkova T., Cheng X., Schwede F., Genieser H.-G., Herberg F. W.Holz G. G., Mol. Endocrinol., 27, 1267 - 1282 (2013), "Stimulation of Proglucagon Gene Expression by Human GPR119 in Enteroendocrine L-cell Line GLUTag"
  • 2. Hanke S. E., Bertinetti D., Badel A., Schweinsberg S., Genieser H.-G.Herberg F. W., N. Biotechnol., 28, 294 - 301 (2011), "Cyclic Nucleotides as Affinity Tools: Phosphorothioate cAMP Analogues Adress Specific PKA Subproteomes"
  • 3. Bertinetti D., Schweinsberg S., Hanke S. E., Schwede F., Bertinetti O., Drewianka S., Genieser H.-G.Herberg F. W., BMC Chem Biol, 9, 0 - 0 (2009), "Chemical tools selectively target components of the PKA system"